Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Artistic, Inspired, Tzfat's Uninspired, Not-Very-Artistic Eateries???

I'd like to show you something I find interesting. The following
links will lead you to some information about my home town, Tzfat in
Yisra'el. Tzfat is one of the four holy cities in Yisra'el.
Yerushalayim, Chevron and Tiveria are the other three. You can read
a bit about Tzfat on the following link:


Why do you think that a town that looks like this:


and is home to art galleries of this calibre:


is also home to uninspired eateries like these:
http://www.zfat.co.il/food-e.htm ?

Tzfat is home to scores of artists who live in homes they
reconstructed, refurbished and redecorated magnificently, often
lavishly. Tzfat is also a tourist town and much of the town's income
is derived from the tourist trade. It is strange indeed that the fare
served in the local eateries is so, well, as I said uninspired.

One elegant restaurant has opened recently in the city.

There is one chef who is very talented here in Tzfat. He and his
wife cater affairs both in their lovely home and in other venues.
You can see a bit about them on this site:


The dearth of artistic, inspired food in artistic and inspired Tzfat
should tell us something. I'm too close to the forest to see the
trees. What do you think? Have you seen this phenomenon in other
parts of the world. I think it may be unique. Most of the places in
the world I can think of that are home to great art are also home to
haute cuisine. Any opinions? Thoughts?

I am pleased to say that since writing this a number of creative restaurants have opened it Tzfat. I think too, in all honesty, that I did not see the restuarants for their creative worth when I wrote this piece.
