Thursday, April 15, 2004


Food Addictions, Inter Alia

Like most food addicts I am a generally addictive personality.
Addictions are like those potato chips - betcha can't have just one.
I'm also a sex and love addict. The two addictions feed off one
another (pardon the pun). The one addiction morphs into the other.

I go on diets to let my sex and love addiction thing out of suppression. Then
disgusted with myself I crawl off to lick my wounds and an ice cream
cone (or two or three) or some such thing. I'm pretty sure that I've
searched out dissatisfying relationships with people so as to have an
excuse to isolate and eat. I'm not sure which is the primary
addiction or even if one or the other predominates.

Anyone sympatico?

Didn't you just guess these two issues would have to come out in one
post? Food and love are inextricably bound in the human psyche. This is more
than a matter of the way our brains are wired, and I'd like to explore this
issue openly with the members here.

I know this subject is a taboo and I'm opening myself up to misunderstanding, ridicule and judgement from people who don't understand. But this is a matter that causes Human beings a great deal of suffering and, as such, someone has to have the courage to explore it - even in provinicial, Orthodox Israel. I'm sure there are other people who have interrelated eating and sex issues.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat