Saturday, April 10, 2004


Doreen's Intro

Hello, my name is Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan. I've been living in
Yisra'el for 21 years. I was 24 when I arrived. Since this is no
doubt an intelligent group, I'll let you do the math yourselves.
Wrong. I just turned 46 a few days ago. ;0)

When I eat correctly I live in close accordance with the Natural Hygiene recommendations, as described by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond in their books (I definitely do not always eat wisely and well, however). I was
astounded by the wisdom contained in those books when I first read
them, and adopted the way of life. My husband grew up with those
principles, actually. His mother was very ill with a stomach ailment
when he was young and was sent to a rest home. There she was put on
what is essentially the Natural Hygiene diet, after a few weeks of
juice fasting. It saved her life. Not being able to keep up with
both healthy food preps for herself and ordinary ones for the family
(and I guess not really wanting to), she announced that everyone in
the house was going to get healthy food. So, my husband was raised
on a Natural Hygiene diet, as was his two brothers. My husband is now
63 years old and still weighs exactly what he weighed when he did the
commando's and frogman courses in the army, i.e., 63-64 kilos. He
still climbs like a billy goat too and loves to go hiking. He and our
son climb the beautiful olive, fig, almond, and pomegranate trees
that grow wild in Tzfat and bring down buckets full of fruit and
nuts. Grapevines abound in Tzfat as well, and the clusters of grapes
on the venerable old vines are huge. Our daughter is also vegetarian –
proof positive you can live on the diet, although she has to watch
her iron levels, as they tend to dip.

I've learned a good deal about health from my husband, my M-I-L,
vegetarian and health conscious friends, and from study. I'm always
learning more. Sharing what we know, in addition to seeking like-
minded companionship is why I've joined the group.

Some of the friends I've learned the most about vegetarianism and a
healthy, holy way of life are the people known as "The Black Hebrews"
who came to live in Israel from the US. I wholeheartedly recommend
you visit their site and get to know a bit about that awesome (I
don't use that word much, but it fits in this case.) community of
people. Their site is:

I live in the incredible town of Tzfat in Israel. Links to the sites
my hometown are: -and-

There are many vegetarians and health conscious people in the town.
There are three health food stores in Tzfat, a town of about 30,000.
I think that's pretty good, per capita.

There is a marvelous school here for natural health according to the
principles of the doctor Maimonides (The Ramba"m, after whom so many
hospitals are named), as understood in light of medical and
nutritional findings since his time, a thousand years ago. There's a
rest house and organic garden on the premises. Their courses are very
reasonably priced. I think they may offer correspondence courses.
Their web site is:

Just a look at the photo album of the place is worth visiting the

I've recently learned that Israel has the second largest number of
vegetarians per capita in the world, second only to India.

We keep a strictly kosher vegetarian home. That makes things a lot
easier, as I do not have to keep two full sets of dishes, flatware,
pots and pans. Kashrut is not a vegetarian way of life, but
vegetarians often make good use of kosher products when looking for
products that do not have animal derivatives in them. Someone here
mentioned Ko-Jel, as an example. If anyone has questions about
kashrut, vis-a-vis vegetarianism, please ask.

Guess that's about it for now.

Thank you for gracing this group with your presence here.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Yisra'el
Newbe Blogger
The Moral/Spiritual Substrate of Eating